I. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. Knowledge Objects
Key vocabulary: doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner, talking on the phone
Target language: What’s Steve doing? ---He’s watching TV.
Does he want to go to the movies? ---Y
es, he does.
Is Nancy
doing homework? ---No, she isn’t. [来源:Zxxk.Com]
2. Ability Objects
Train students’ listening and speaking skills.
Train students’ communicative competence.
3. Moral Objects
Be good at watching something and love our lives.
Teach s
tudents how to cooperate.
II. Teaching Key Points
Master the key vocabulary.
The present p
rogressive tense.
III. Teaching Difficult Point
Oral practice using the target language.
Make a conversation.
IV. Teaching Methods
Task-based teaching method.
Illuminating teaching method.
V. Teaching Aids
A projector.
A tape recorder.
VI. Teaching Procedures
Period Four
I Aims :
Section B
New words:
shopping mall pool camera bird toy wait sure apartment
phrases :
at school at the pool
at home eat dinner in the photo
New sentences :
Thanks for s
th./ doing sth.
Here is a photo of my family .[来源:学&科&网]
二 教学流程
1 情景导入
2 合作探究
〈1〉 整体感知
s /are /+Ving’’来谈论正在发生的事 ,在听,说,读,写,自我检测之后,使学生的语言技能
学生独立完成1a 2a 3b Self check等部分,结合1b
2c and Groupwork4中提
示,学生开展问答式对话,然后分角色扮演出just for fun!
三 达标反馈
四 学习小结
学习了词语pool library mall Thanks for ….,a photo of my family ,do ones’ homework etc . Go over am/is /a
re +Ving and Hello! Is Tina there ? This my brother .What’s he doing ?Where do people s
wim ?…
学习本课时,要认真观察,细心选择运用语言, 采用自主式与合作式相结合的方法来完成该课 的学习任务。在观察中思考,在运用中获得语言技能。
五 链接生活
链接一:Hello ! Is Tina there ? sometimes you can use Hello ! Is that Tina ? or Is that Tina speaking ?
六 板书设计
New Words: |
New Sentences |
Pool library mall |
A Thanks for doing something ….. |
a photo of my family |
B Hello! Is Tina that ? |
Do ones’ homework |
C /Here is a photo of my family . |
D he is doing his homework . |