1.突出本课重点,检查生词预习 1)正音:找个成绩好的同学朗读本课单词,教师视情况给以褒奖。若有错音,纠正并领读,易读错的,难读的放录音多次领读,领读完毕后再找几名学生朗读了解发音情况。 2)以游戏形式教师说汉语让学生抢答,说出英语,初步检查单词。 3)听写:让学生快速在练习本上听写,了解学生单词掌握情况,比一比,看谁记得好 。 2. 复习热身 ,给出例句,让学生模仿。强调表达天气的词汇。 T: Look at the sun, it’s sunny today! Ss: Look at the rain, it’s rainy/raining today! Ss: Look at the cloud , it’s cloudy today! Ss: Look at the snow , it’s snowy/snowing today! Ss: Look at the wind,it’s windy today! T: Is it hot today? Boys: Yes. It’s hot today. Girls: No. It isn’t hot today. T: Is it cold today? Boys: Yes. It’s cold today. Girls: No.It isn’t cold today. T: Is it humid today? Boys: Yes. It’s humid today. Girls: No. It isn’t humid today. 3. Ask students some questions: T: Hi , How’s the weather today ? S: It’s sunny . T: How’s it going? S: Great. T: What are you doing ? S1: I’m …… T: What is he /she doing? S2: He/She is …… 4. 2a Talk about the pictures below with a partner like this(a) : A: How is the weather ? B: It’s suuny . A: What is the girl doing? B: She is drinking juice. Keys: b--cloudy ,climbing the mountain ; c---windy ,doing homework |